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Connectors list

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You can perform payments with Sherlock’s thanks to different connectors. Here is a list of the connectors and their characteristics :

Connectors and characteristics
Technique Description Benefits Shortcomings PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Payment via Sherlock's Paypage
  • Payment pages hosted by Sherlock's.
  • You do not store card details, so you do not have any PCI DSS constraints.
  • Payment page customisation is more limited than if you host these pages.
Payment via Sherlock's Paypage iFrame.
  • Payment pages hosted by Sherlock's.
  • You do not store card details, so you do not have any PCI DSS constraints.
  • You can customise the HTML page containing the payment iFrame as you wish, because you host this page.
  • Payment iFrame customisation is more limited than if you host this content.
MOTO payment via Sherlock's Paypage.
  • The customer communicates their payment details via e-mail or telephone.
  • You enter those details on the payment pages hosted on Sherlock's
  • You use ready-to-use payment pages managed by Sherlock's
  • You handle card numbers, you must comply with PCI DSS constraints regarding the management of card numbers.
Payment via Sherlock's Office.
  • Payment pages hosted by your website.
  • If you need to keep the card number, you must store it in your database.
  • You can customise the payment pages as desired because they are hosted on your premises.
  • You must comply with PCI DSS constraints regarding the storage of card numbers.
MOTO payment via Sherlock's Office Extranet.
  • The customer communicates their payment details via e-mail or telephone.
  • You enter those details on payment pages hosted on Sherlock's Office Extranet
  • You use one and only tool managed by Sherlock's to create and manage your transactions.
  • You manage card numbers, you must comply with PCI DSS constraints regarding the management of card numbers.

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