Release 25.1

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Key management

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Sherlock's is a secure multi-channel e-commerce payment solution that complies with the PCI DSS standard. It allows you to accept and manage payment transactions by taking into account business rules related to your activity (payment on despatch, deferred payment, recurring payment, payment in instalments, etc.).

The purpose of this document is to explain the usage of the Sherlock’s Téléchargement interface.

To access the Sherlock’s Téléchargement interface, you must first log in to the Portail Sherlock's portal via the following URL:

Screenshot of the MEX dashboard

If you have a user with access to multiple webshops, the "Download" tab used for accessing Sherlock’s Téléchargement is greyed out.

Screenshot showing the grayed download tab

To activate the tab, you need to select a webshop. Please click on the following icon:

image showing the icon to click on

Select the webshop you want to manage the keys of then click on OK.

Screenshot with the list of webshops

Once connected to the "Download" tab in the Portail Sherlock's, you can access the following page by clicking on the "Key Management" tab:

image showing key management page

Renewing a key means:

  • Generating a new key.
  • Retrieving the new generated key so as to install it.
  • Deactivating the old key.
Attention: if your webshop is set up to make use of the secret key expiry alert option, then all your actions performed on the keys are taken into account right away . Make sure you use the new key before deactivating the old key to ensure the continuity of your services. If your webshop is not set up to make use of the secret key expiry alert option, then all actions performed on the keys require support validation. You will be informed by e-mail that your request has been validated.

To generate a new key, click on one of the button image of one of the available buttonsavailable on the right top of the "secret keys" category:

Screenchot showing the "new secret key" button

A message on top of the page indicates whether the key generation was successful and the new key shows as active.

Screenshot with the message "the key has been generated" followed by the merchant id

Note: the advisory message informing you that you are self-reliant in the key management is displayed only if your webshop is set up with the key expiry alert option.

If your webshop is not set up with the secret key expiry alert option, a message is displayed, indicating that your request has been sent to the support.
Meanwhile, you will receive an e-mail informing you that your request has been taken into account.

Screenshot showing the message "Your secret key generation request has been sent successfully"

Once the key generation has been validated by the support, you will receive an e-mail informing you that the key has been created and is now available.

IMPORTANT: a secret key is associated with a version. After obtaining a new secret key, you must modify your request and indicate the new version in the keyVersion field.

You can have up to two active keys at most. As soon as the number is reached, the "New secret key" button is no longer available .

To download the newly generated key, click on this icon download icon image for the relevant key:

Screenshot showing the "download" and "copy" icons

To copy the key, simply click on this icon icon image to copy key.

Once the new key is in place, and in case you did not schedule it, you need to deactivate the key going to expire using this icon . You will need to confirm this action via the following window:

Image showing the key deactivation window

Note: scheduled deactivation is available only if your webshop is set up with the secret key expiry alert option.

A message on top of the page indicates whether the deactivation was successful.

Image showing the deactivation confirmation message

The message reads : "the key was deactivated successfully" followed by the merchant id and the key version.
Attention: after the user has confirmed the action, the key deactivation is performed right away. As a result, it is no longer possible to carry out transactions with this key on the Sherlock's payment platform!

Disabling the secret key will stop emails from being sent to you when the key is about to expire.

If your webshop is not set up with the secret key expiry alert option, the deactivation action is not performed right away. A message is displayed, indicating that your deactivation request has been sent to the support.
Meanwhile, you will receive an e-mail informing you that your request has been taken into account.

Image showing the message that the request has been transmitted.

The message reads: "Your request to deactivate your key has been successfully sent" followed by the version of the secret key.

Once the key has been validated by the support, you will receive an e-mail informing you of this.

Once the new key is implemented, you have the possibility to schedule the deactivation of the secret key which will no longer be used. This scheduled deactivation can be performed at any time by clicking on this icon image representing the key deactivation programming icon.

Image showing the window of the programmed deactivation

A message on top of the page states whether the scheduling has been saved and the date is added to the table.

Image showing the programmed deactivation message

The message reads: "the secret key deactivation has been successfully programmed" followed by the merchant id and the version of the secret key. The deactivation will take place at 00:01. The scheduled deactivation date is indicated at the relevant key level in the key summary table.

If you have scheduled a deactivation and would like to edit or delete it, you can perform these actions at any time by clicking on this icon image representing the key deactivation programming icon, on the relevant key.

Image showing the window of the programmed deactivation

The message reads: "the secret key deactivation has been successfully programmed" followed by the merchant id and the version of the secret key. The deactivation will take place at 00:01. The new scheduled deactivation date is indicated in the secret key summary table for the relevant key.

image with the display of the delete button

If any deletion is performed, the following confirmation message is displayed and the scheduled deactivation date is no longer shown:

image with the display of the message

the message reads : "the programming of the secret key deactivation has been canceled" followed by the merchant id and the version of the relevant secret key. The scheduled deactivation date no longer appears in the secret key summary table.

If you deactivate a key by mistake and your webshop is set up with the key expiry alert option, you can reactivate the key right away by clicking on theimage of the icon allowing the key to be reactivated icon of the relevant secret key.

A confirmation message is displayed and the status change is immediate.

Screenshot showing the message

The message reads : "the key was activated successfully" followed by the merchant id and the secret key version.
Note: if your webshop is not set up with the key expiry alert option and you deactivate your key by mistake, please contact our Sherlock's support. You will find how to contact our support here

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