Release 25.1

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Franfinance 3X 4X integration

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Sherlock's is a secure multi-channel e-commerce payment solution that complies with the PCI DSS standard. It allows you to accept and manage payment transactions by taking into account business rules related to your activity (payment upon shipping, deferred payment, recurring payment, payment in instalments, etc.).

The purpose of this document is to explain the Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB means of payment integration integration into Sherlock's.

This document is intended to help you implement the Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB means of payment integration on your e-commerce site.

It includes:

  • functional information for you
  • implementation instructions for your technical team

To get an overview of the Sherlock's solution, we advise you to consult the following documents:

  • Functional presentation
  • Functionality set-up guide

Specialised in consumer credit, the French company Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB is a solution reserved for private persons of legal age holding a credit card valid for at least 3 months after the contract signing date for payment in instalments and the use of which is not subject to a systematic authorisation request (especially Visa Electron and Maestro cards).

With this solution, customers pay for their online purchases in 3 or 4 installments.

During a Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB payment, customers complete their personal data as well as credit card details.

At the end of the entry, they are informed online of the request result.

Payment channels
Internet V Default payment channel
Fax X
Means of payment
Immediate payment V Default payment channel
End-of-day payment X
Deferred payment X
Payment upon shipping X
Payment in instalments X
Subscription payment X
Batch payment X
OneClick payment X
Currency management
Multicurrency acceptance X EUR only
Currency settlement X EUR only

The pages for this means of payment are managed and hosted by Franfinance.

A first page allows the customer to complete the data necessary for his 3xWEB and 4xWEB subscription.

Following the validation of the latter, the customer will be offered to enter his card information in order to initiate the payment:

  • his card number
  • his card expiry date
  • his card security code

If any of these data are missing or invalid, or if the card number entered is not in range, an error message is displayed and a new entry is requested.

The Sherlock's standard operation applies: the entry attempts number is limited; an error code is returned if the number of attempts is exceeded:

Following the payment completion, a ticket page showing the transaction result is displayed to the customer. This ticket has a "return shop" button allowing to navigate back to your website with the Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB payment response.

The Sherlock’s Paypage standard options apply: this ticket can be deactivated at your request. If you place the bypassReceiptPage ticket option, the ticket is not displayed. The customer is redirected straight to your website.

Depending on the authorisation request result, different messages will be displayed on the ticket for customers.

If the customer does not return to your merchant website (case of a disruption in the payment process), an automatic response will be sent to you with the transaction result up to 24 hours after the payment began. Generally, the delay is between 30 minutes and 1 hour.

In order to offer the Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB means of payment on your website, you have to sign an acceptance contract with Franfinance. Thereafter, you transmit us the contract number for recording in our information system.

You can offer the Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB means of payment through the Sherlock’s Paypage which directly acts as the payment interface with customers via their web browser.

The only remittance mode available for a Franfinance transaction is the immediate mode (the transaction remittance is executed at the time of the online payment acceptance).

The diagram below explains the different transaction statuses according to the chosen capture mode:

Description of the possible statuses for a Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB transaction

In the immediate mode, the transaction will either go to the Captured state if it has been accepted (response code 00), or to the Refused state if it has been refused (response code other than 00). In the event of a timeout, the transaction temporarily goes into TO_CONFIRM_CAPTURE status.

The payment process for Sherlock’s Paypage is described below:

Steps of a Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB payment via Paypage

1) The customer proceeds with the payment. 2) They are redirected to the means of payment selection page hosted by Sherlock's, they select Franfinance 3xWEB or Franfinance 4xWEB and enter their card number. 3) They are redirected to the Franfinance 3xWEB or Franfinance 4xWEB page where they authenticate themselves. 4) They are redirected to a Sherlock's page. 5) If they click on the back to eshop button, they are redirected to your website which triggers the manual response to be sent. 6) Sherlock's sends an automatic response.

The existing paymentMeanBrandList field must be populated with the means of payment list offered to the customer and specifically the Franfinance means of payment.

Specific information is required for a Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB payment request:

Field name Remarks/rules
amount Amount in cents
captureMode Tհe value sent in the request is ignored.
The capture mode is forced to IMMEDIATE.
currencyCode Mandatory: EUR only (978)
customerId Optional.
Customer identifier.
orderId Mandatory.
Order number.
customerIpAddress Optional.
Customer IP address.
bypassReceiptPage Optional.
Indicates that you want to bypass the ticket type pages.


Field name Remarks/rules
customerAccountHistoric.creationDate Optional.
Creation date.
With the customerAccount container, the customer account creation date on your website is used to calculate the date of the account.


Field name Remarks/rules
customerAddress.streetNumber Optional.
Customer street number.
customerAddress.street Mandatory
customerAddress.addressAdditional1 Optional
customerAddress.zipCode Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory.
Address country code.


Field name Remarks/rules Mandatory
customerContact.lastName Mandatory
customerContact.maidenName Optional
customerContact.firstName Mandatory Mandatory
customerContact.title Optional.
Contact title.
customerContact.legalId Optional.
Establishment national identifier (SIRET for France).
This data applies to you and to the customer (see Contact fields).
customerContact.positionOccupied Optional.
Occupied position.


Field name Remarks/rules
billingAddress.streetNumber Optional.
Address street number.
billingAddress.street Mandatory.
Address street name.
billingAddress.zipCode Mandatory.
Address zip code. Mandatory.
Address city. Mandatory.
Contact country


Field name Remarks/rules Optional.
Contact email. Optional.
Contact mobile phone number.
billingContact.title Optional.
Contact title.
billingContact.lastname Optional.
Contact last name.
billingContact.firstname Optional.
Contact first name.
Contact company.


Field name Remarks/rules
deliveryAddress.streetNumber Optional.
Address street number.
deliveryAddress.street Mandatory.
Address street name.
deliveryAddress.zipCode Mandatory.
Address zip code. Mandatory.
Address city. Optional.
Address country.


Field name Remarks/rules Optional.
Contact email. Optional.
Contact mobile phone number.
deliveryContact.title Optional.
Contact title.
M for mister, Mme for madam
deliveryContact.lastname Optional.
Contact last name.
deliveryContact.firstname Optional.
Contact first name.
deliveryContact.businessName Optional.
Business name. Optional.
Contact company.
deliveryContact.positionOccupied Optional.
Occupied position.


Field name Remarks/rules
deliveryData.deliveryMethod Optional.
The chosen delivery method (standard, priority, ...).
deliveryData.deliveryOperator Optional.
Name of the operator making the delivery.
deliveryData.electronicDeliveryIndicator Optional.
Indicates whether the delivery is in an electronic mode.
deliveryData.estimatedDeliveryDelay Optional.
Your estimated delivery delay (in number of days).


Field name Remarks/rules
paymentMeanData.franfinance3xcb.authenticationKey Mandatory.

Channel provided by Franfinance.

paymentMeanData.franfinance4xcb.authenticationKey Mandatory.

Channel provided by Franfinance.


Attention: shoppingCartItemList is a complex object.
Please refer to the integration guide of the connector you have chosen to integrate to learn you to implement this field.
Field name Remarks/rules
shoppingCartDetail.mainProduct Mandatory.
Most expensive product in the basket.
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartTotalQuantity Mandatory.
Total quantity of all products in the basket
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productCategory Optional.
Category of the ordered product.
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productDescription Mandatory.
Detailed description of the ordered product.
Catégorie du produit commandé.
Example : 1

1 : Food and Gastronomy

2 : Auto and Moto

3 : Culture and Entertainment

4 : Home and Garden

5 : Home appliance

6 : Auctions and Group Purchases

7 : Flowers and Gifts

8 : Computers and Software

9 : Health and beauty

10 : Particular services

11 : Services for professionals

12 : Sport

13 : Clothes and Accessories

14 : Travel and Tourism

15 : Hifi, Photo and Videos

16 : Telephony and Communication

17 : Jewelry and Precious Metals

18 : Baby items and accessories

19 : Sound and Light

shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productName Mandatory.
Name of the ordered product.
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productQuantity Mandatory.
Quantity of products in the basket.
shoppingCartDetail.shoppingCartItemList.itemX.productUnitAmount Optional.
Unit amount of the product.
The amount must be transferred in the smallest currency unit.

The following table summarises the different response cases to be processed:

Status Response fields Action to take
Payment accepted acquirerResponseCode = 00
authorisationId = (cf. the Data Dictionary).
paymentMeanType = ONLINE_CREDIT
responseCode = 00
You can deliver the order.
Pending transation acquirerResponseCode = 60
responseCode = 60
We are waiting for the authorization confirmation.
From there, the confirmation batch will automatically update the transaction as soon as a final response is obtained.
Customer cancellation responseCode = 17 N/A
Acquirer refusal acquirerResponseCode = (cf. the Data Dictionary).
responseCode = 05
The authorisation is refused for a reason unrelated to fraud.
If you have not opted for the "new payment attempt" option (please read the Functionality set-up Guide for more details), you can suggest that your customer pay with another means of payment by generating a new request.
Refusal due to the number of attempts reached responseCode = 75 The customer has made several attempts that have all failed.
Refusal due to a technical issue acquirerResponseCode = 90-98
responseCode = 90, 99
Temporary technical issue when processing the transaction. Suggest that your customer redo a payment later.

For the complete response codes (responseCode) and acquirer response codes (acquirerResponseCode), please refer to the Data dictionary.

The Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB means of payment acceptance is not available through the Sherlock’s Office solution.

The following operations are available on Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB transactions:

Cash management
Cancellation X
Validation X
Refund V
Duplication X
Credit X

The diagram below informs you which cash management operation is available when a transaction is in a given state:

Diagram very complex to describe, please contact support

The transaction will go from the Captured status to the Credited status once it is full refund. In the event of a timeout, the transaction temporarily goes into TO_CONFIRM_CREDIT status

To test Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB, send a request to the url corresponding to your connector:

  • Sherlock’s Paypage POST :
  • Sherlock’s Paypage SOAP :
  • Sherlock’s Paypage JSON :

The reports provided by Sherlock's allow you to have a comprehensive and consolidated view of your transactions, cash operations, accounts and chargebacks. You can use this information to improve your information system.

The availability of Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB transactions for each type of report is summarised in the table below:

Reports availability
Transactions report V
Operations report V
Reconciliations report V
Chargebacks report X
Note: for Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB transactions, the paymentMeanBrand field is populated with the value FRANFINANCE_3X or FRANFINANCE_4X.

This is to provide a daily report reconciling:

Transactions sent by FRANFINANCE (debit and/or credit remittance), on the one hand, and transactions made on SIPS, on the other hand.

Each file contains, among other things, the transactions credited or debited to your accounts. Each file is global for all merchants.

Sherlock's receives these files and reconcile them with the remitted transactions (debits and credits).

From this reconciliation, Sherlock's sends you a "Reconciliations report". Sending the Reconciliations report is not synchronised with the FRANFINANCE files processing.

This type of report allows to have a genuine information as to the actual payment remittance or the FRANFINANCE financing.

In order to define the reconciliation status, two delays (after Sherlock's remittance date) are defined:

  • a 30-days delay is the normal length on which a transaction must be reconciled.
  • a 40-days delay is the maximum post-transaction date period date during which a transaction can be reconciled. Beyond this period, the transaction is no longer "reconcilable".

The delay between 30 and 40 days corresponds to the time interval on which Franfinance will have to analyse the cause of the non-reconciliation. When the 40 days are up, the transaction will be considered as not reconciled.

After analysing the reconciliation criteria defined above, the different possible reconciliation statuses are as follows:

Transaction status Merchant decision / Franfinance information
File presence MATCH_OK MATCH_INFO (statuses indicates a delivery info)
File absence 30 days MATCH_WARNING ≤ 40 days (**) 40 days< MATCH_ERROR (**)

Details pertaining to transactions accepted during contract review are compared with transactions processed by Sherlock's.

Details of an operation that corresponds to a transaction are kept and reported in the Reconciliations report that is sent to the customer.

The reconciliation status for this transaction becomes MATCH_OK.

If Franfinance mentions a particular warning for this transaction, the status, certainly "matched" technically, becomes MATCH_INFO.

For this type of status, the SPECIFIC_DATA column of the Reconciliations report makes it possible to know the reason for the warning.

Franfinance code provided in RGI and returned to the merchant in the SPECIFIC_DATA column Technical status conveyed in the Reconciliations report
00 - Financing guaranteed - Delivery MATCH_OK
00 – Refund considered MATCH_OK
02 - Financing refused - Do not deliver MATCH_INFO
03 – Transaction cancellation – Do not deliver MATCH_INFO
XX - Other free wordings (not starting with 00) MATCH_INFO
YY - Other free wordings (not starting with 00) MATCH_INFO

The remitted and not credited transactions to the merchant's account are subject to analysis.

The transactions reconciliation status that have a payment date more than 30 days and whose status is still MATCH_WAIT will become MATCH_WARNING.

Similarly, the transactions status with a MATCH_WARNING status and with a payment date more than 40 days will become MATCH_ERROR.

A report of the reconciliation anomalies is then generated for analysis.

You can view your Franfinance 3xWEB and 4xWEB transactions and perform various cash management operations with Sherlock's Gestion.

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