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Sherlock's Gestion

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Sherlock's is a secure multi-channel e-commerce payment solution that complies with the PCI DSS standard. It allows you to accept and manage payment transactions by taking into account business rules related to your activity (payment on despatch, deferred payment, recurring payment, payment in instalments, etc.).

The purpose of this document is to help you manage user accounts and transactions, and to understand the operations available on Sherlock's Gestion. Indeed, the operations that each user can perform on transactions differ according to the access rights they have.

This document is intended for merchants wishing to discover and use the management features offered by Sherlock's Gestion.

To get an overview of the Sherlock's solution, we advise you to consult the following documents:

  • Functional presentation
  • Functionality set-up guide
  • Glossary.

Payment by credit card is the most widely used means of payment in the world of e-commerce, with a predominance of international Visa & Mastercard networks that coexist with domestic networks (CB for France, Bancontact for Belgium, etc.).

Some cards may belong to several networks (for example cards co-badged with CB and VISA). A European regulation (Multilateral Interchange Fee, or MIF) gives you the possibility to make a default brand choice, but the end customer can change this choice when he is on the payment page. This regulation concerning the selection of the brand has an impact on the payment pages which must present this choice when the card entered for payment is concerned by this regulation (co-branded card) .

To create a payment, click on the tab.

The following page will display.

Click on the tab.

The following page will display.

Click on the tab.

Select the card type in the dropdown menu.

Then click on .

The following page will display.

Tip: click here to learn more on AVS checks.

Fill in the following fields:

  • card number

If your contract is subject to the MIF regulation (EU OJ 2015/751 L123 dated 05/19/2015), an automatic detection of the card's network(s) is performed. If the card is co-badged, several network logos are displayed on the right of the card number:

By default, one of the networks through which the payment will be made is selected:

If you would like to select another network, click on the link below:

The following page appears and shows your choice:

  • card expiry date
  • security code (CVV -> three digits on the back of the card);
Note: the card number can be masked upon entry, if you have this option enabled. As for the security code, it will always be masked.
  • transaction reference. The reference is saved by default but can be modified (35 alphanumerical characters by default)
  • transaction amount
  • transaction currency
  • capture mode
  • capture delay
  • the order reference, customer code and additional information are optional values

Click on to validate the transaction.

If payment is accepted, the following page will display:

Below is an example of a refusal page displayed for a refused payment:

Click on to create a new transaction.

You have the option of splitting a transaction into several parts, which will be sent to the bank at specified intervals.

Thus, a payment transaction in n times creates n transactions, each with a distinct identifier. Each transaction is independent of the others and includes a systematic authorisation request. In case of agreement, the transaction in question is sent for capture. In case of refusal, the transaction is not submitted again.

Click on the Scheduled payment creation tab.

Then select the card type in the dropdown menu.

Card type

Click on Continue.

The following page will display:

Scheduled payment creation page

The page to fill in is in three parts. First part, details of the payment method, second part details of the transaction and then payment schedule.
Tip: click here to learn more on AVS checks.

In the "means of payment details" and "transaction details" sections, fill in the following fields:

  • card number

If your contract is subject to the MIF regulation (EU OJ 2015/751 L123 dated 05/19/2015), an automatic detection of the card's network(s) is performed. If the card is co-badged, several network logos are displayed on the right of the card number:

By default, one of the networks through which the payment will be made is selected:

Example of a page indicating: the payment will be made by CB

If you would like to select another network, click on the link below:

The following page appears and shows your choice:

  • card expiry date

  • security code (CVV -> three digits on the back of the card);

Note: the card number can be masked upon entry, if you have this option enabled. As for the security code, it will always be masked.

  • transaction reference. The reference is saved by default but can be modified (35 alphanumerical characters by default). This reference can be used as a basis for generating the multiple transactions that will be generated.

  • total scheduled dates amount

  • transaction currency

  • time table type
time table type

  • number of instalments for the payment (for example 4 for a payment in 4 instalments)
Drop-down menu to indicate the number of payment due dates

  • frequency in days

  • first payment due amount

  • the order reference, the customer code and additional information are optional values

In the "Payment schedule" section...

...fill in the following fields:

  • enter the payment instalments as well as the amounts associated with each instalment

With the settlement dates on the left and the corresponding amounts on the right.

The payment schedule can also be auto-completed by clicking on prefill scheduled due dates. The schedule is then automatically auto-completed according to the total amount, frequency, type of schedule and first due date amount entered in the "transaction details" section.

Once the information has been correctly completed, click on Validate schedule to validate the payment date.

The following page will display:

the page has three sections

First one which explained the payment method (here Visa). The second one is the summary of payment and the last one the schedule.

Having checked the information, click on create payment to validate the transaction.

The following page will display:

transaction created details

Note: the instalment saved for the first transaction corresponds to the date on which the payment was created. However, the remaining instalments correspond to the dates indicated in the schedule.

To search for transactions with future dates, use the Advanced search" tab and apply the "Authorisation requests being processed" option in the Transaction status" menu. The tool will display a list of all future transactions.

list of search criteria

example of transactions found

If you would like to send the information necessary to the address verification check, click on the "AVS controls" banner:

AVS is an anti-fraud feature that allows you to request the cardholder's address, send it within the authorization request and let the card issuer compare this address with the one they know.

The following form will display:

form with different address and activation fields

Fill in the following fields:

  • check the following box if you would like the cardholder's address check to be done:
Execute card holder address verification

  • check the following boxes if you would like the transaction to be accepted regardless of the result of the check on the postal code and/or address:
Accept the transaction whatever the postcode and the address verification result

  • check the following box if you would like an automatic reversal message to be sent in case of refusal due to an AVS/CSC failure:
Send an automatic reversal message in case of refusal due to AVS/CSC

  • fill in the various information about the address and postal code:

Click on the transactions tab.

The following page will display:

transactions search page

A search can be based on the following criteria:

  • transaction date: enter the start and end dates of the search

With these criteria, the search is completed over a rolling period of up to 90 days that can go back in time up to 18 months before the current date. In this configuration mode, the range corresponds to the start date of the search + 90 days.

For example, if you specify 01/05/2020 as a starting date, the maximum search date will be 30/07/2020.

  • transaction reference: enter the references of the transactions searched for
  • transfer date: enter the date on which the transaction was captured
  • order reference: enter the order ID
  • walletId: enter the wallet ID
  • transaction status: select the status from the dropdown list
Table 1. "Transaction status" and associated desired action
Desired action Value of the "Transaction status" field to be selected during the search
Validating a transaction To be validated (without authorisation)
Cancelling a transaction To be remitted
Refunding a transaction Remitted
Duplicating a transaction To be remitted, to be validated (with authorisation), to be validated (without authorisation), waiting for authorisation, settlement refused, remitted, expired, fraud suspected, refused, refund to be settled, refunded
  • means of payment: select a means of payment from the dropdown list.
  • currency: tick the option to search only for unpaid transactions.
  • authentication status: select the authentication status to search for.
  • unpaid only: tick the option to search only for unpaid transactions.

Once you have entered some search criteria, click on the search transaction button.

Attention: by default, the date criterion is pre-filled. If you do not enter any other criteria, the tool displays by default all transactions made during the current day.
All search criteria are case sensitive.

A transaction list will be displayed according to the criteria entered:

  • You can sort the results by clicking on the column headers.

  • You can also view the list of transactions in an Excel spreadsheet. To do this, click on excel export.

The following spreadsheet will display:

excel spreadsheet

  • You can click on a transaction reference to display the transaction details:

Note: in the case of an unpaid transaction, information about the non-payment is added at the bottom of the page in the transaction details, as shown in the screenshot below. In addition, the 'Refund' button is removed.

The fields displayed for an operation in unpaid status are: the operation number, the operation code, the unpaid date, the file number, the unpaid amount, the unpaid code, and unpaid reason.
Note: in the case of a transaction in reconciled state, the information on the reconciliation is added at the end of the page in the transaction details, as show in the screenshot below.

The fields displayed for an operation in reconciled status are: the operation number, the operation code, the operation amount, the status, the sending date, the warning date, and the error date.

Several related information is available in the detail of a transaction:

  • Click on history to view the operation history

transaction operations history

Then click on back to list to return to the original list, or on back to transaction to return to the original transaction.

  • Click on details to view the detailed result of the fraud risk management process

fraud risk management page

You can also view the fraud profile version that was used to perform the checks by clicking on the following link:

The following pop-up window will display:

state of profile page

In order to interpret the result of the fraud risk management process, please read the following documents:

Perform a search to find the transaction you want to act on (see the Searching for a transaction section).

Various actions can be performed on a given webshop transaction, depending on the contract and the status of the transaction.

Click on the appropriate button depending on whether you are on the results list or transaction details view.

Table 2. possible actions on a transaction
Action Explanations Associated button in the list of results

(orange = operation is available;

grey = operation is unavailable)

Associated buton in the transaction details

(not shown if action is unavailable)

Validate Allows you to trigger the transmission of the transaction to the bank and allows you to defer a payment. orange validation icon grey validation icon validation
Cancel Allows you to change the amount to be sent to the bank. orange cross icon grey cross icon cancellation
Refund Allows to credit the customer's account that was wrongly debited. orange return icon grey return icon refund
Perform a unitary duplication Allows you to create a new transaction from an old one. orange duplication icon grey duplication icon duplication

The validation function makes it possible to trigger the transaction capture. It also enables you to defer a payment so the customer's account is debited only when the purchased goods have been dispatched.

If the chosen method for sending the bank transaction is not automatic, you have to validate every transaction manually. If you do not validate a given transaction before its chosen capture time (as selected) ends, this transaction will expire. It will then be impossible for you to send it to the bank.

You can validate all or part of the transaction amount. The amount validated will be captured on the day of its validation. It is of course impossible to validate an amount that exceeds the initial amount of the transaction.

Note: it is impossible to perform several partial validations on a transaction. The transaction balance will be cancelled automatically.

Having clicked on the validation button of a transaction in the list of results or on the validation button in the seleted transaction details, the following page will display:

transaction information to validate: reference, identifier, amount, etc.

Enter the amount to be validated in the following field:

Click on fulfil transaction.

The following page below will then display if the validation is successful:

initial fulfilment and fulfilment result summary

If the validation has failed, the following page will display:

message displayed to indicate filfilment refused

This function makes it possible to change the amount to capture. For you, it is useful for inventory management purposes. When a customer has cancelled several products that are part of a single transaction, you can cancel the latter partially. In this case, the amount cancelled will be that of the unavailable product, and the customer will only be charged for the products that were actually delivered.

Transactions can only be cancelled before they are captured. A transaction cannot be cancelled if it has already been captured. However, refunding the customer fully or partially is still possible.

By default, deferred capture is inactive (0 days), which means that the capture is carried out on the same day as the transaction. To defer the date on which transactions are captured, you have to make sure that this setting has been configured correctly.

When a cancellation is requested, the Sherlock's server checks two parameters:

  • The amount. An amount that is higher than that of the original transaction cannot be cancelled.
  • The transaction cancellation period, which is set at the time of payment. Beyond this period, the transaction is captured and can no longer be cancelled.

A transaction can be cancelled several times provided the transaction capture deadline is not overdue and the transaction balance is not null.

In the case of a partial cancellation, the balance of the transaction is automatically captured after the capture time is up.

Having clicked on the cancellation button of a transation in the listof results or on the cancellation button in the selected transaction details, the following page will display:

transaction to cancel information

Enter the amount to be cancelled:

Click on cancel transaction.

The following page will then display if the cancellation is successful:

summary of cancellation transaction

If the cancellation has failed (the amount is higher than the amount of the initial transaction), the following page will display:

summary of the transaction not cancelled

A refund makes it possible to credit the account of a customer that was unduly charged (if the product was not delivered, is unavailable, damaged, returned, etc.).

The customer's account will be credited with the refunded amount, and your account will be debited with the same amount. The refund is captured on the same day. The refund is captured on the same day it is entered in Sherlock's Gestion.

You can refund a customer for a period of fifteen months following the order. You can make an unlimited number of partial refunds, provided these fifteen months are not exceeded and the balance is not null.

After you have clicked on the refund button of a transaction in the list of results or on the refund transaction button in the selected transaction details, the following page will display:

Enter the amount to be refunded:

Click on refund transaction.

If the refund is successful, the following page will display:

refund result and original transaction information

If the refund has failed (the amount is higher than that of the initial transaction), the following page will display:

a message indicates that the refund has failed and indicates the transaction data

You can create a new transaction using an old transaction.

Duplicating a transaction is possible up to 18 months after its creation date and provided the expiry date for the means of payment has not been exceeded. The transaction created during the duplication is a new transaction. All of the characteristics of this transaction can be changed, with the exception of the card information, which you does not need to store in your IT system. A transaction created by duplication can in turn be duplicated.

Duplicating a transaction requires a new authorisation request, using the payment information (card number, account number etc.) corresponding to the original transaction. The future of a duplicated transaction does not under any circumstances depend on the result of the original transaction: if the initial transaction was refused, it is possible that it is accepted after duplication, and vice-versa.

Any transaction associated with payment in instalments can be duplicated. Payment of this new transaction will be completed in one instalment only.

For example, if a transaction, either by error or omission, was not validated in the capture time you set, it has expired and will therefore not be paid. You may wish to secure this transaction, thererfore you have the option of duplicating an expired transaction. Provided it is authorised, this new transaction will be paid for.

Therefore, this operation can allow you, among other things:

  • to replay transactions without having the cardholder's card details
  • to catch up on expired transactions, i.e. transactions that would not have been validated in time (in VALIDATION mode)
Note: transactions that have been refused or expired for they were not validated within the capture time limits may be duplicated. A new authorisation request is submitted to the acquirer.

You may for example perform a search on transactions that have a "to be settled" status.

Having clicked on the duplication button of a transaction in the list of results or on the duplication button in the selected transaction details, the following page will display:

page summarizing the transaction to duplicate and the fields to fill in for the duplicate transaction

Tip: click here to learn more on AVS checks.

Fill in the following fields:

  • transaction reference. The reference is saved by default but can be modified (35 alphanumerical characters by default)

  • capture mode

  • transaction amount

It must be less than or equal to the amount displayed.

  • transaction currency

  • settlement delay

  • the order reference, customer code and additional information are optional values

Click on duplicate transaction.

The following page will display in case the operation has been accepted:

transactions summary

Click on the wallet management tab.

The following page will display:

wallet search page by identifier

Fill in the following fields:

  • complete wallet ID

Once you have set the parameter, click on the search button. The folloing page will display:

four columns: payment mean, number, label and validity date

Click on the cross button to delete a means of payment. The following page will display:

payment mean to remove information

Click on remove.

The following page will display if the means of payment has been deleted successfully.

removed payment mean information

Click on the settings tab. The following page will display:

 summary of merchant details: id, country, name, MCCC code

Click on the add to the grey list tab to have the following page displayed:

allow to add card by searching with transaction reference or card number

Two methods can be used to add a card number to a grey list:

Method 1: entering the references of a transaction already processed

Please fill in:

  • The transaction reference.

  • The reason for greylisting the card (select from the dropdown list).

Then click on add to validate the addition of the card number to the grey list.

The following page will display if the addition has been accepted:

the card has been added to the grey list, plus a summary of the card information

If the addition has been refused, a refusal page like the one shown below will be displayed:

the reference transaction doesnt exist


Method 2: entering a card number directly

Please fill in:

  • The card number.

  • The reason for greylisting the card (select from the dropdown list).

Then click on add to validate the addition to the grey list.

If the addition has been accepted, the following page will display:

the card has been added to the grey list, plus card information

If the addition has been refused, below is a sample refusal page:

the card number is invalid

click on the settings tab. The following page will display:

merchants details: identifier, name, MCC code

click on the search grey lists tab to have the following page displayed:

card search by transaction reference or card number

Two methods can be used to view a greylisted card number:

Method 1: entering the reference of a transaction

Define the following search criterion:

  • The transaction reference.

Once you have defined this criterion, click on search.

If the transaction has been found, the following page will display:

result list displayed:

card number, transaction reference, merchant identifier, reason to graylisted, creation and by who

The right-hand part of the table shows the action that can be performed on a transaction for which the card has been greylisted.

Click on the rubber orange button button to delete a transaction the card of which has been greylisted.

If the transaction has not been found, the following page will display:

None of the blacklist cards does match the search


Method 2: entering a card number

Define the following search criterion:

  • The card number.

Once you have defined this criterion, click on search.

If the card has been found, the following page will display:

results list displayed:

card number, transaction reference, merchant identifier, reason to graylisted, creation and by who

The right-hand part of the table shows the action that can be performed on a transaction for which the card has been greylisted.

Click on the rubber orange button button to remove a transaction the card of which that has been greylisted.

If the transaction has not been found, the following page will display:

none of the blacklist cards does match the search

To delete a card number from a grey list, you must first search for a card number directly, or search for a card number from a transaction.

There are several possible methods for conducting such a search.

These various methods are described in the 'Viewing a card number' section.

The card number deletion method is the same regardless of the search method used.

A list of card numbers matching the defined criteria will display:

result list displayed:

card number, transaction reference, merchant identifier, reason to graylisted, creation and by who

Click on the  button to delete the card number from the grey list. The following page will display:

card delete confirmation plus card to delete information

Click on delete to confirm the deletion.

If the deletion has been successful, the following page will display:

the card has been deleted from the grey list plus card informations

Click on back to list to return to the original list.

The following page will display:

none of the cards in grey list does match the search

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