Release 24.6

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Sherlock's Office Batch CSV

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Sherlock's is a secure multi-channel e-commerce payment solution that complies with the PCI DSS standard. It allows you to accept and manage payment transactions by taking into account business rules related to your activity (payment on despatch, deferred payment, recurring payment, payment in instalments, etc.).

The purpose of this document is to explain the implementation steps of the Sherlock’s Office Batch solution and of initial payment and cash management tests.

Sherlock’s Office Batch aims to provide you with Sherlock’s Office functions in Batch mode. These functions are bases on offline file exchanges. Some of the online mode options are not available, e.g. 3-D Secure authentication.

This implementation guide is intended for your technical team.

To get an overview of the Sherlock's solution, we advise you to consult the following documents:

  • Functional presentation
  • Functionality set-up guide

Knowledge of file transfer protocols and standards for programming languages used today, such as Java, PHP or .Net, is necessary to develop a connection to Sherlock’s Office Batch.

Note: all code sections in this document are provided as samples, you will need to adapt them to your website for them to be fully operable.

The processing of files by Sherlock’s Office Batch can be divided into several steps:

image showing the kinematics of a payment via office batch

1. The merchant uploads request files to an external FTPS or SFTP account supplied by LCL.

2. LCL's file transfer gateway receives the request files and sends them to the Sherlock’s Office Batch engine.

3. The Sherlock’s Office Batch engine processes the request files one by one and generates one response file per request file.

4. The Sherlock’s Office Batch engine sends the response files to the external FTPS or SFTP account through the file transfer gateway.

5. The merchant retrieves the response files from the external FTPS or SFTP account supplied by LCL.

6. The Sherlock’s Office Batch engine, via the file transfer gateway, destroys the response files after a first successful download by the merchant.

  • The merchant can choose either FTPS or SFTP as transfer method.
  • LCL provides a dedicated merchant account (with a username and password). The LCL account must be the same for request files and response files; however some file name restrictions apply.
  • LCL's SFTP and FTPS servers also verify the merchant’s IP address in addition to their username and password.
  • LCL gives the response file a name that differs from that of the request file.
  • After a given period (1 week), response files are deleted from the FTPS or SFTP accounts even if they were not downloaded.

The remitter is a partner who acts as a technical operator managing the file exchanges with the Sherlock's payment platform. A remitter can send the operations from several merchants in the same file provided these operations are declared in the name of this remitter during the registration step.

Note: Sherlock's assigns a remitter number during registration. This number is supplied in the remitterId field of the request file header.

image showing a remitter managing the transactions of several merchants in a single file

It should be noted that a remitter can also be a merchant themselves.

The request and response files exchanged with Sherlock’s Office Batch are in XML format.

Each file consists of four successive sections:

  • FILE TYPE corresponds to the file type (read the next section for an explanation of the various types)
  • HEADER contains the file header
  • BODY contains all operations
  • END marks the end of the file

The file header contains an ID in the form of a sequence number. This sequence number must be:

  • numerical
  • unique for all your files (with no time limit)
  • ascending i.e. must start at 1 and increase from 1 to 1

The file body contains several records. A record corresponds to a transaction or cash management operation, or a related function (such as wallet management, tokenisation or fraud management).

  • Sample request or response file main structure:
Note: the structure of the OPERATION element depends on the type of operation.
<OPERATION> contains the operation’s name (AUTHOR, VALIDATE, etc.).

In the CSV format, each record is prefixed with the uppercase name of the element type.

Field values of each element are specified one after the other and are separated by semicolons, without spaces and without being prefixed with their names. The order of these fields must be complied with.

Several response files can be processed over the same day. When several request files are available on the external FTPS account, Sherlock’s Office Batch processes them one by one successively (not simultaneously) and in their order of arrival on the FTPS account.

There is one response file for each request file even if the file processing generates errors.

Note: except in very specific cases, a response file adds the response fields to the information of the request file. Please read the 'Reconciliation of request and response files' section below.
  • The file size cannot exceed 100 Mb or 100,000 operation records.
  • A file is dedicated to a single remitter.
  • A request file cannot contain several operations on the same transaction. For instance, a transaction cannot be created and cancelled in the same request file.
  • The order of operations in the body of the response file can differ from the order of operations in the request file.

The CSV syntax contains specific functions that will be described in detail throughout this document. In this syntax, the order of fields must be complied with.

Please get in touch with your usual contact if the 100 MB or 100 000 records limit causes constraints in your integration.

The file type is based on the service used.

All the fields of the “file type” element of the request are mandatory and in ANS20 format. They are returned unchanged in the response.

  • The tag name is file.
  • The type field must be request for the request and response for the response.
  • The format and version fields depend on the type of service called.
Format Version Service description
office The value must 19 Acceptance of transactions and cash management operations.
token The value must be 1 PAN tokenisation and detokenisation.
  • Sample file type:

The header is based on a record that contains the following fields:

Fields Presence Format Description CSV field number
The tag name is header Mandatory ANS20 Indicates a header record. 1
remitterId Mandatory N15 Remitter's ID. 2
date Mandatory XML Date Date, in the merchant's time zone, on which the file was created (YYYY-MM-DD+hh:mm). 3
time Mandatory XML Time Time, in the merchant's time zone, on which the file was created (hh:mm:ss+hh:mm). 4
sequence Mandatory N6 File sequence number. You may add leading zeros on the left (e.g. 000001 for the first sequence number). 5
  • Sample header:

The body contains operations according to the service declared in the file element. Please refer to the next section for details on the fields for every operation.

In the CSV format, there is no special header for the “body” section of the file: all operations are specified directly after the “header” section.

  • Sample "body" section for the office service

The final section is based on a single record that contains the following fields:

Fields Presence Format Description CSV field number
The tag name is end Mandatory ANS20 Indicates the end of the record. 1
nbRecord Mandatory N6 Number of operations in the "body" section. 2
  • Sample "end" element

The request file must be sent in a ZIP archive. The archive name must be OFBREQxx.ZIP, where "xx" is a number between 01 and 99.

An archive must only contain one request file.

You can name this request file freely; however we recommend you to comply with the following naming scheme: SOB.Alias.Date-Time.csv


  • SOB is the request file to be sent to Sherlock’s Office Batch
  • Alias is the Sherlock's alias/merchantId of the remitting shop
  • Date is the file date in YYMMDD format
  • Time is the file time in HHMMSS format.

The header is based on a record that contains the following fields:

Fields Format Description CSV field number
The tag name is header ANS20 Indicates a header record. 1
remitterId N15 Remitter's ID. 2
date XML Date Date, in the merchant's time zone, on which the file was created (YYYY-MM-DD+hh:mm). 3
time XML Time Time, in the merchant's time zone, on which the file was created (hh:mm:ss+hh:mm). 4
sequence N6 File sequence number. 5
processingResponseCode AN2 Processing response code 6



File processing starting timestamp, in the merchant's time zone. 7



File processing ending timestamp, in the merchant's time zone. 8
  • Sample header:

The “error-details” element is only returned when an error occurs during the checking of the request file. “error-details” is a character string that describes the error.

  • Sample header:
ERRORDETAILS;ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_PROCESSED: processing_response_code = [02] : Error in the file sequence number. The file has already been processed.
Expected sequence number [2] - Request file sequence number [1]

The response file contains one element for each operation of the request file. The attributes of this element are filled in during the return. The returned fields are described in the next section.

The end of the response file is similar to the end of the request file and contains the following fields:

Fields Format Description CSV field number
The tag name is end ANS20 Indicates the end of the record 1
nbRecord N6 Number of operations in the "body" section 2
  • Sample "end" element:

The response file is sent in a ZIP archive. This archive is called s******.OFBREP**.zip.


  • s****** is a unique and non-customisable sequence number.
  • OFBREP** is a number between 01 and 99; this number is identical to that of the request file.

The name of the response file contained in the archive complies with the following naming scheme: OFFUBZ.OFFBAREP.$alias.$date (for instance OFFUBZ.OFFBAREP.MM20LEQUIPE0861.181216).


  • $alias is the Sherlock's alias of the webshop.
  • $date is the file processing date in YYMMDD format.

To make it easier to reconcile request and response files, each request file is identified by a sequence number that is also returned with the response.

All the fields of the request file are also returned in the response file, except for the following fields because of compliance with the PCI DSS standard:

  • cardNumber can be returned hidden in the maskedPan field.
  • cardEffectiveDate (card effective date).
  • cardExpiryDate (card expiry date),
  • cardSeqNumber (card sequence number if present),
  • cardCSCValue (card security code).

Sherlock's can modify the value of the following field if the creation of the transaction is followed by a banking authorization:

  • transactionDate

To this end, you must return the Sherlock’s Office Batch registration form given to you by your LCL technical contact. The creation of a FTPS account takes about 12 days from the receipt of the form if the latter has been filled in properly.

E-mails are then exchanged to test the FTPS account in validation mode before implementation in the production environment.

The various possible functions are the subject of specific requests. The list of the functions and the details of the requests and responses are available on this page.

A request consists of generic fields and container-type fields.

A container is a data structure that groups data functionally.

If a field is that of a container, it is named <container name>.<field name>.

Tip: before you use a function, make sure you are allowed to use it on your shop by contacting the Sherlock's technical support.
Note: in the responses, depending on the transaction status and the payment mean chosen, some fields can be null, empty or not returned. Please refer to the payment means documentations to know the field present in the responses.

There are several response code levels when Sherlock’s Office Batch processes a file. Several overall checks are carried out before the file is processed. If one of these checks fails, the file is completely rejected. (the processingResponseCode is neither 00 nor 01).

The returned response file contains the overall processing result code in the processingResponseCode field, in the file header.

Code Meaning
00 File processed correctly. The file contains the list of operations.
01 File processed correctly. An operation has been associated with a merchant that is not related to the remitter ID. The operation will set the value of the officeBatchResponseCode field to 80.
02 File already processed The file sequence number is lower than it should be. The correct number is returned in the message that describes the error.
03 Sequence broken in the file sequence number. The file sequence number is higher than it should be. The correct number is returned in the message that describes the error.
04 Technical issue. Internal issue
05 File too big
06 The number of operations exceeds the maximum authorised amount. The maximum number of operations has been reached.
07 The number of operations counted is different from the number specified in the nbRecord field.
08 Duplicate operation
09 Incorrect record
10 Incorrect file format. The file format is not correct (the error description will be returned in the error-details tag).
11 Incorrect remitter. The remitter declared in the header is not correct.
Autres codes Incorrect file (these codes apply to older Sherlock’s Office Batch versions).
Response code Cause Solution
Different from 00 and 01 Restarting processing The request file must be returned in its entirety with the same file sequence number.
03 File sequence number interruption The file was completely refused. If necessary, the sequence number must be corrected and the file returned.
04 Technical error

An operation caused a technical error. File processing was not interrupted. In this case, the processing can be very fast since all operations with code 25 or 90 will be refused (responseCode field).

For now, LCL has not supplied any mechanism to defer the processing until a new connection is established.

None CSV file format error When the batch file processing service of the version of the file cannot be identified, or its format is incorrect (e.g. blank entry in the file, etc.), a generic response is sent to the merchant. This response looks like this:

Each operation is considered as independent. Each operation has its own stored response code (officeBatchResponseCode code). The code indicates the field that causes the issue.

If an operation fails, the processing is not interrupted. The operation is refused with the typical Sherlock's response code (responseCode field).

Codes Fields in question
00 None (all fields are correct)
01 merchantId error
03 transactionReference error
04 merchantTransactionDateTime error
05 amount error
06 captureDay error
07 captureMode error
08 operationAmount error
09 operationOrigin error
11 currencyCode error
12 customerIpAddress error
13 customerEmail error
14 customerId error
16 orderId error
17 orderChannel error
18 transactionOrigin error
19 returnContext error
20 fromTransactionReference error
21 cardExpiryDate error
22 cardNumber error
23 cardCSCValue error
24 cardEffectiveDate error
25 cardSeqNumber error
26 paymentMeanBrand error
27 authorisationId error
28 merchantWalletId error
29 paymentMeanId error
30 paymentPattern error
31 number error
32 statementReference error
33 panType error
34 mandateId error
35 valueDate error
36 paymentMeanAlias error
37 account error
38 bankCode error
39 transactionActors error
45 Date fields format error
46 settlementMode error
47 comment error
48 validationIndicator error
50 s10TransactionId error
51 s10TransactionIdDate error
52 s10FromTransactionId error
53 s10FromTransactionIdDate error
54 fraudData error
55 riskManagementDynamicParam error
56 riskManagementDynamicValue error
57 riskManagementDynamicSettingList error
58 fraudListReason error
59 fraudListType error
60 fraudListLevel error
61 fraudListElementType error
62 fraudListElementValue error
63 lastRecoveryIndicator error
64 order context field error
65 travel context field error
66 Delivery data field error
67 Address field error
68 Contact field error
69 cardAuthPolicy error
70 Shopping Cart Detail field error
71 merchantExternalId error
72 paymentMeanBrandSelectionStatus error
73 settlementArchivingReference error
74 settlementMerchantSpecificData error
75 fromTransactionAcceptor error
76 initialAuthenticationCavv error
77 bancontactMerchantCustomerAuthenticationMethod error
78 invoiceReference error
79 subMerchantCategoryCode error
80 Merchant not registered with Sherlock’s Office Batch or not associated with the remitter declared in the header
81 subMerchantLegalId error
82 subMerchantShortName error
83 subMerchantContractNumber error
84 subMerchantUrl error
85 subMerchantAddress error
86 subMerchantId error

The objective is to validate that the file structure and query syntax are correct. For this first step, there is no connection to the payment acquirer: card authorisation requests are simulated. Transactions are stored in the Sherlock's back office and you can test cash management operations on these transactions.

Contact the technical support to have a shop configured in the validation environement and request that file transfer be implemented between your site and Sherlock's.

First, submit a file containing a limited number of operations to validate the transition to live operation. Check the response file to make sure all operations were carried out correctly:

  • Monitor the acceptance rate (number of responseCode 00/total number of operations).
  • Check the nature of non-banking refusals:
    • technical issue: responseCode  90, 97, 99,
    • acquirer fraud: responseCode 34.

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